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Baby it’s HOT outside…

I’m not complaining but it is very HOT again today and we’re just not suppose to have daily temperature in the mid 90’s!  According to all the weather people, this will continue for sometime so there goes all the pretty green grass.

Yesterday was a very constructive day at the “blue house”…that is, after I went grocery shopping.  George mowed the lawn, I swept the drive, walk, and porch.  Then the real work began.  I painted the dining room ceiling, most of the dining room walls, and SCRUBBED the funk off the dining room sub flooring again.  I think that floor is finally clean!  George, and his helper Zack, got the old back door out and the new door installed and the remainder of the bamboo in the backyard cut down and taken to the dump.  That room is actually going to look good.  Today (Wednesday) I will finish painting the dining room, a couple of new windows will be installed in the third bedroom, and then this afternoon we will go and check on a used washer and dryer that we found on the internet…hope it’s going to work for what we want ’cause it’s at a really good price.  We’re making progress and I can honestly say I will be glad when it’s all finished!!!  Our house is suffering because I’m spending all my time and energy over there…desperately need to dust and sweep the floors here  but it will have to wait until tomorrow, or later.

Guess I’d better get up and head towards  “my job”.  Let’s all think COOL thoughts and thank God that He’s in control.  Otherwise, our weather would be worse than a church’s thermostat…some like it HOT while some like it COLD.


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