Where has this week gone? We have been home from Clark and Vanessa’s for a week and I can’t say much was accomplished…although the week was a good one from all indication. I did get my hair all cut off and it’s an easy style, so I’m a no fuss girl! The rest of this week I did my usual stuff…piddle…and on Wednesday night I set with Andrew Verble. He’s still improving but has such a long way to go to complete recovery. Please keep praying for him and his family. Once I got home from being with Andrew I started feeling yucky and coughing. Well, on Thursday morning I felt horrible and went to the doctor. I have streph throat! I got some medicine and I’m feeling much better…coughing lots, sore muscles from all the coughing, but feeling much better. Let’s only hope I didn’t infect Andrew! That’s all he needs.
Today our care group is going on the Belle of Louisville for a lunch cruise. It’s a big paddle boat that goes up and down the Ohio river. We’ve lived here since ’64 and this is our first time for this. It’s suppose to be a good experience, with a good meal, so I’ll let you know the next time I post what my reaction to it is. We have been on the Star of Louisville, a much smaller boat, a couple of times and it’s very nice with good food.
Tanya and her family will be here late tonight to spend the night and I’m excited about that. Jerod and Meredith will be going to Spring Mill Bible Camp tomorrow afternoon, about two hours north of here in Mitchell, IN, so our place is a good stop over. Wilmore is about 90 minutes east of Louisville so it’s not that far regardless. Then on Wednesday, we have a couple that once lived in Louisville coming for a visit with their three children…all under the age of three…and will be here until Sunday. Not sure what we will do while they are here…George will be working is the only for sure thing…but we will figure out something. We really don’t have a yard the kids can play in since we live on the golf course, but I’m sure Isaac and Jenny will find a way to keep them entertained. The only thing that will throw some excitement into this time will be if we have someone wanting to see our house! Yikes! That could prove to be overwhelming with excitement! That too will work our and I’m really not all that concerned about it.
Enjoy the day, do something good for those you come in contact with, and let’s all give God the glory/praise for today.