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It continues to be HOT…

Here it is Thursday evening and this week has just flown by…as most seem to do these days.  We have worked some over at the “blue house” each day, enjoyed a couple of days with the Crockett kids while Tanya was working or in a class and I helped the kids complete their to-do list she left them,  and we will be going to our weekly neighborhood pot luck dinner tonight.  Living in Wilmore really is like living in Mayberry…everyone tries to be friendly and helpful.

On Saturday we’ll be going to Louisville to see Kyle play some baseball…he was out most of the season because of his broken arm but he’s back at it now.  George will be going to Cincinnati with a friend to see the Reds play ball on Saturday night…depending on when they get back to Louisville, we may come on home or we may spend the night and come home Sunday morning.  I’ll have some fun time with the Gabehart kids and I’m looking forward to that.  Ryan comes home from camp that day and I’ll be anxious to hear how the week went…that’s the week we would normally go to help cook for the kids.  I missed being there but I’m sure it was a really HOT week for all of them which makes for long days in that kitchen. Melissa said today that Madi has a fever and I’m hoping she’ll be OK by Saturday. I assume Byron, Melissa, and Tyler are doing well.

Clark and Vanessa will be coming in next week and that will be nice.  They really are downsizing so the “blue house” will be the benefactor and I’m so ready to get it finished!  We started on the final bedroom yesterday but still haven’t started on the living room…the last room since that’s our work-out-of room.  Hopefully by the middle of August it will be completed…that includes being totally furnished.  I’m sure George will be posting pictures at some point.

George’s 50th high school reunion is on July 30th and we’re planning on attending that.  It’s always amazing how OLD those people are when we are only “slightly” old.  This should be a fun time for him and I’ll do my best to try and remember the few I met 40+ years ago and haven’t seen since.  My class will be having our 50th reunion in September and even though there was only 25 in my class, I don’t recognize some of them…OLD people seem to be attending.

No news…just wanted those reading this to know we are alive, well, and staying sane on most days. thanks to the “blue house”.   Have a cool weekend and hopefully we’ll do the same.  It’s in the upper 90’s again today…has been hot for weeks now…and will continue to be hot for some time according to the weather report.  Thanks Lord for not sending any snow or ice our way!  See no complaints coming from me!!!


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