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We have renters!!!

Even though the “blue house” isn’t 100% complete, we have a family renting it for the next three days.  This family consist of the Mom, Dad, and daughter that will be attending Asbury University.  They drove all the way from Oregon and looked a little tired.  We had no idea just what time they would arrive so we were pleasantly surprised when they showed up at 9 a.m. this morning.  Unfortunately, I was still doing some last minute cleaning and in the process of washing all the new towels.  They were very cordial and left to view our little town saying they would come back in one hour.  There is NOTHING to do for an hour here in Wilmore, but I finished up, brought the towels home with me,  and they are thrilled with the house.  It is very livable, it just isn’t complete.  I still need some valances for the windows, end tables for the bedrooms and a couple of side chairs for two of the bedrooms, some stuff for the walls…won’t be much just a little more fluff…,and a full length mirror or two.  If I say so myself…WE HAVE DONE AN OUTSTANDING JOB on that stinky, little house.

This afternoon has been a really slow time.  It’s hard to get out of the habit we’ve formed to work hard every day and all day long.  We started on the “blue  house” last October but didn’t really kick into high gear until March…after the twins and our visit with Mom and Dad…and we haven’t stopped until today.  Guess I can now get myself in high gear to get our house back in a state of cleanliness.  I need to do some painting, etc. around here but it won’t be for a while yet, I feel sure.

We have had a great day today temperature wise…in fact, I turned off the AC and opened the windows which has been a welcome relief.  I love having my windows open, etc.  Of course, tomorrow the AC will be back on as it will once again be in the high 80’s – low 90’s.

Guess I’d better head to the kitchen and have our “planned over’s”…corned beef, cabbage, carrots, and potatoes…that we had left from last night.

Hope all reading this have had a good week and looking forward to a relaxing weekend.  I know we will be relaxing ’cause next week will once again be a full one.  Also, Tanya will start Vandy next week and I’d like everyone to pray she will always have safe travels to and from Nashville, she’ll enjoy her time being back in the class room, and her family will do well while she’s gone.  This will be a hard year for all of them, but well worth the sacrifices they all will have to make.  She’ll only be in Nashville 5 days each month…Wednesday through Sunday afternoon…and the rest of her studies will be from home on the computer.  She’s a good nurse and will be an even better Pediatric Nurse Practitioner…proud of you, Tanya.  But then again, I’m very proud of all my children.

No luck yet selling either Clark’s or Mom and Dad’s houses…maybe the right one will come along soon for both of them…and they can both get settled in their new places very soon.  Another thing to pray about!

Love to all!


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