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Can’t be Saturday already…

Another week has just flown by and I’m not sure just where it went!  I remember Monday was a busy day of travel and baseball games, but what happen to the rest of the week?  I have gotten SOME of the dust bunnies out of the house…notice I said some and not all…, cleaned out the front flower beds, piddled at the “blue house” a little bit, and helped with the Crockett kids since this is the week Tanya is at Vandy, and finished knitting all the pieces to the sweater I’m making…now I need to block it, sew it together, and do the trim.  Hope it will be 100% finished by the end of next week.  I seem to stay busy but I guess I’m having trouble with being somewhat idle as compared to the way we worked the last six months.

We have had some beautiful days this week but the HOT is coming back tomorrow.  We are over 5 inches short of rain for the year and every thing is extremely dry.  We need to do some serious yard work at our house, along with the “blue house”, but it would all be futile since we’re getting no rain and none is predicted any time soon.  Maybe once the fall weather really gets here to stay…cooler days and nights with occasional rain…we can get something going before the winter sets in.  If not, spring is a good time to create a beautiful yard!

George and I are going out for a late lunch / early dinner this afternoon and that will be nice.  I also want to go to the mall, since we’ll be right by there, and do a little wedding shopping for Jessie Black…she’s getting married next month.  She’ll be a beautiful bride and I wish them nothing but a lifetime of happiness.  He’s in medical school and she just finished up her nurse practitioner degree at Vandy last month.

Please keep praying for both Mom and Dad, along with Clark and Vanessa,  that they sell their houses soon.  They both need to get that done before winter gets here…especially Clark in Iowa… so they can get moved and settled.  The housing market must be really slow in both locations…Texas and Iowa.  Melissa continues to do well so I guess it may have to do with who’s trying to sell your house! Recon?

No news so I’ll run get back to something called crocheting…I love both knitting and crocheting!  They are both therapy for me and I find great pleasure in creating things.  Have a great weekend.


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