Our friend and her fiance looked at our house this morning and it’s now a done deal…CASH! I have mixed feelings about all of this but I am so pleased that Jackie and Gerry are the ones that bought it. They will fit right in and will be loved by all the neighbors. Now the fun will begin…packing all our treasures and deciding what we can live without.
We don’t have a definite closing date but it should be within 30 days but no more than 90 days. They are very sweet in letting us stay in the house longer should we need to for Tanya and Daniel’s move. Nobody wants to move twice! I will keep you posted as we continue on this journey.
It’s still terrible hot in KY and no break in this weather pattern is in sight. I’m praying for rain and fall to hurry up and get here.
Pray for us throughout this move and for Tanya and Daniel as they find just the right house for their family.