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A 105 today

To say it was hot today would be putting it mildly.  We got up this morning, went out on the screen porch to read and study, and was greeted with a very muggy morning.  We had one of those two minute rains that helped boost the humidity up even more.  We did manage to get to 105 today…tied the record for this date that was set over 20 years ago…with the heat index over 110.  I really feel for those that have to work outside all day…such as roofers, etc.  I know they are starting earlier each morning, but when the low was only 85 last night, there wasn’t much cool time today.  We did have a storm this afternoon and the temperature dropped 34 degrees in less than an hour, so hopefully it won’t be so hot tonight or tomorrow.  We are very thankful for the rain we had but we could sure use more. 

I didn’t do much packing today (Thursday)…did clean out a dresser and will box it up tomorrow.  It’s amazing what we keep for no apparent reason and have no desire to use…ever!  I do have stuff for a future yard sale but that certainly is not in my plans.  I’d just rather give it away to charity and save myself the agony of being dickered with.  Sell a treasure for a quarter and the people want it for a nickle.  I say…take it if you’re that destitute!

I haven’t mentioned Andrew Verble lately…the young man in the serious car accident…well, he is improving ever so slowly.  He is walking now…short distance…understands most everything said to him, but he has trouble communicating verbally.  He has only the feeding tube still in and should be getting that out soon.  He will be moved to Frazier Rehab. in a couple of weeks and that should be a big improvement.  Pathway has been a great help in getting Andrew over the hump but it’s a part of a nursing home and that’s never an ideal environment for a recovering teenager.  He’s a miracle…an answer to the many prayers being offered on his behalf.  We’re still praying for a full recovery and it looks like that just may be a reality at the end of all of this.

Not much happening this weekend but I’m sure we’ll find a way to keep ourselves busy…pack more boxes!

Stay cool and be good to all those you encounter!
