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Jimbo is here….

We got a call from Jim, Jr saying he’d be coming to visit yesterday for a couple of nights and we are thrilled to have him…we are within the 90 minute distance with 3 minutes left over.  This is his last week he has to be “on call” from the Louisville airport before he leaves for training in Alaska for the 747 he’ll be flying.  When we lived in Louisville, we got to see him quite often as our home was his official “crash pad” for a few hours sleep before he’d head home to Nashville…most UPS flights occur at night, I think.  Jim is a good man, loves God, his family, and tolerates his extended family well.  Thanks for coming Jim!!!

I will be going back to Abilene on November 13 to help mom and dad wrap up the move from the house and into the assisted living facility.  This has been a really difficult time for both of them with having to sort through 71 + years of accumulated stuff and treasures.  They have gotten rid of some stuff, boxed other stuff, and plan to try and sell some of the furniture, etc. they won’t be using at University Place.  Of course we all know, used furniture doesn’t bring in much cash but every little bit will help.  I can speak for them, and all of us…we will be glad when the move is over, they are settled in, and everything has been taken care of.  No more junk, storage, or what will I do with this/that?  Life can get hard but I guess that’s what makes it LIFE.  I’ll return home on the 20th so I can get ready for Thanksgiving!  Hope the kids can make it but regardless thanksgiving will come, we will eat, and life will go on.

A brisk morning today but the sun is shining.  Tomorrow our little town will be having the “Treats on Main Street” and that’s always fun.  All the businesses, along with a lot of people, pass out candy to the kids…we don’t do the door-to-door stuff here…along with games, prizes, and just a great time of fellowship.  Another perk to living in a very small town.

Guess I need to get busy doing something…not sure just what…so I will feel as though I did something constructive this morning.  I guess knitting would fall in that category.  George has gone to Frankfort to meet a friend from Louisville for coffee…Jim felt he couldn’t go just in case he got “the call” to fly a plane somewhere…and we may try and do something fun this afternoon…like go to Keeneland to see the horses run the track!

Love to you all and enjoy the weekend.  Watch for all the spooky people out there!  Make sure you give them a “treat” so that they don’t “treat” you with some  sort of mischief.


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