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A very busy week…

To say my time in Abilene was busy is an understatement.  I got there on Saturday (13th) and immediately began boxing up stuff along with Linda Joyce and Lorin.  Lawrence, Linda, Buddy, Patsy, and Lorin began the packing two weeks before I got there.  LL&B left for home on Tuesday, Linda Joyce arrived on Wednesday, before I arrived on Saturday…this has been a tag team move…the move was on the following Monday (15th).  They had a wonderful crew of movers and I would recommend them to all that live in the Abilene area…very fast and very efficient.  Once the movers finished, we all began emptying the “thousands” of boxes and finding a new home for the many treasures.  Lorin will be having another yard sale for the folks within the next few weeks for the items that were deemed “homeless”.  We also put a few things in a storage closet that will be used later, or deemed “homeless” and dreams of yet another yard sale lurks on the horizon.  Lorin, Linda, Mom, Dad, and I worked like dogs all day Tuesday and Wednesday and we got almost all the boxes emptied.  I continued getting the “condo”…mom doesn’t like apartments…set up and the remaining boxes emptied.  The place looked fabulous and everything was done except for hanging the curtains…I couldn’t get the rods up and Lorin had gotten the “green apple quick step” on Thursday and was no longer a part of the tag team…but the maintenance men got that taken care of today. Mom said she really likes the way every thing looks and that’s music to my ears!  University Place is a really nice facility and the staff is so sweet.  Thankfully, the residents are also very welcoming…not a lot of “clicks”, even though they do seem to eat at the same table most times.  I hope mom and dad will take advantage of the different activities that are available each day and soon feel that it’s really home.  It’s been a hard, difficult move and I will continue to pray for them to have peace and contentment.  Love you Mom and Dad!

George met me at the airport with a bouquet of flowers and he’s still my prince charming.  He also painted our bathroom while I was gone…something I’ve been wanting to do for almost a year but it went to the very back burner when we tackled the “blue house”.  He also put in a new light fixture, so the bathroom looks really nice.  That was a very pleasant surprise.  It was good to be home once more and sleep in my own bed with my  prince!

I was pretty much a couch potato yesterday but I’ve been busy today.  I think I’m finally rested, caught up on the laundry, and now to get ready for Thanksgiving.  All the kids, except for Scott, will be here this year.  Scott and all his family have been sick the last couple of weeks…Scott was running fever today.  Get well soon, all of you, and we will really miss you…especially the boys!

So far this month we’ve had no renters at the “blue house” and that’s a big BOO.  We do have a few days rented next month, but it would have been nice if we’d had some this month but guess that’s just the way it goes.  Word of mouth is our best advertising, so guess not many are talking right now.

No more news…so guess I’ll close.  Have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING and don’t forget to recognize and count your many blessings.


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