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Thanksgiving has come and gone…

We had a great time yesterday with most of our children and grandchildren here, along with a friend (88 yr old, Dr. Galloway)…Scott’s family, Chase, and Chance were not able to come…and it was a stellar day!  Byron fried a couple of turkeys…a hugh help for me…and they were so delicious!  That’s the way to cook a turkey ’cause they are so moist and it’s so quick…35 – 40 minutes for a 10 + lb. bird.  We had lots of side dishes to complement the turkey…dressing, gravy, ham…for those not wanting turkey…,  mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn souffle, carrot souffle, green beans, fresh asparagus, jello salad, cranberry casserole, rolls, relish tray, and assorted desserts…I forgot to put out the cranberry sauce but no one seemed to have missed it.  I think everyone got plenty and found things they liked.  A good, good day!  Thanks to all the family for making it such a special day.  Now for left overs today.

Even though our home is small, we were able to have all 22 sit at a table…two tables in the dining room and two tables in the bedroom right off the dining room…I even used my china, crystal, and silver, a first for many years.  Carter and Lori were most gracious to then wash almost all of  these items that I don’t put in the dishwasher.  Everyone was helpful, contributed, and behaved…the kids were outstanding!

We woke up this morning to a dusting of snow and I sure hope that’s it for this winter.  I know in my heart of hearts that’s not the case but one can dream!  It’s sunny now but only 28 degrees, so it’s cold.  I’m just thankful I’m not going anywhere today on this “Black Friday” and I can rest assured there will still be things on the shelves when I do decide to fight the crowds for Christmas gifts

Guess I’d better get back to the laundry…all those tablecloths and napkins from yesterday.  Mother, you will be happy to know, that I used the ones you gave me when you “downsized” and they looked great on my tables…thanks again!  Enjoy the rest of the weekend and let’s all continue to count our blessings and love each other with a Christ-like love.


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