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Wintry day …

Yes, winter has come to stay here in central Kentucky by all indications.  It’s a balmy 29 outside right now with snow falling…worse yet, it’s sticking…and a gloomy, overcast day. Wait…the sun is really trying to break through…not going to happen, I’m afraid.  For all those that complained of the heat and humidity, I hope you are enjoying days like today.  I would take the heat and humidity any day.  With heat, you can sit on the porch, visit with the neighbors as they walk by, and enjoy the birds singing while smelling the flowers.  The cold, keeps you inside with no interaction with neighbors, etc.  Oh well, this too shall pass.  God sends the changing of the seasons and I will rejoice in His power in doing so and be ever so thankful that He remains in control of all things.

Not much happening this week.  We have guest at the “blue house” on Friday night…parents and siblings to a student on the university swim team.  I’ve changed the decorations on the window boxes, put up a “already” decorated Christmas tree, plus a couple more decorations so it looks a little “festive” over there.  I will put up some stuff around here soon…maybe!  So far the Christmas spirit is NOT settling in!  Must be getting old.

Meredith will be dancing in the Nutcracker this weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing her perform.  She’s so graceful!

This Saturday is Wilmore’s Christmas on Main Street and that’s an all day event.  Starts early with a pancake breakfast at the elementary school, a big arts and craft show at the seminary, horse drawn carriage rides…just to mention a few events…and then in the evening all our local businesses have an open house with goodies for all that come in.  It ends later that night with a choral concert at the Methodist church, along with all singing Christmas carols.  A great day of fellowship and togetherness for all.  Only in a small town can this take place!  Another plus for being in Wilmore, I guess.

Got to go to Sam’s…one of my very favorite shopping places…so guess I’d better get off here, bundle up, and head out.  Stay warm, have a great day, and I’ll be back soon.


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