Another bitter cold and gloomy day with light snow flurries. However, I will rejoice in this day because I know it’s a gift from God..regardless of my dislike for cold weather.
We were saddened this past week to learn that another friend died due to a sudden, massive heart attack. Wayne Clem, and his wife Jeanette, were part of our care group for many years and were currently living in Florida. A few years back, they went to Florida for the winter, came home and sold their house, and moved permanently to enjoy the warm days along with the beautiful beaches. Our only comfort is knowing he was a believer and is resting safely in the arms of Jesus.
We enjoyed our day yesterday…didn’t take in much of the Christmas on Main Street since it was so cold…but the final production of the “Nutcracker” was very good and I enjoyed it more than I did the last time I saw it. It’s quite a big deal with LOTS of dancers and hours of practice so everyone did well…as mentioned yesterday, our Meredith is so graceful and a joy to watch. Yesterday morning we did walk over to the art/craft fair at the seminary and that was just OK. George was hoping that the Korean international students would be cooking their foods to sell…they did last year…but they were NOT so he was disappointed. Oh well, it was a nice walk in the snow and good to see how people spend their time making some “strange” and unique stuff.
Guess I’d better get myself ready for worship. Have a good day and know that you are loved by God unconditionally!