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Thursday in KY

Today is another beautiful, sunny day with mild temperatures (58 right now) but will warm up to the low 80’s.  We’ll have more hot weather to look forward to but this hint of fall is so refreshing.

Yesterday was quite an emotional day for me…and Melissa.  We closed on our house and did just fine through all of that.  When Melissa got back to her office it hit her that she had just sold our home and we really are leaving Louisville.  I did OK until she came into the house to go to lunch with Scott, George, and myself and then I lost it.  We cried through lunch but made it OK for the remainder of the afternoon.  Well, George and I had an appointment with our financial advisor and when she ask us about all of this moving…the flood gates reopened.  Selling this house has not been a problem…leaving family has been.  I’m excited about being with Tanya and her family but I’ll really miss all the Gabehart kids.  We’ve never lived apart so it will be a hard adjustment.  I’m sure the tears will eventually stop but so far they haven’t. 

We have set a move date of October 1 and my new e-mail address will be and George’s will be so change your address books.  All my other e-mail addresses will be stopped on October 1.

Got to go exercise then do some BeautiControl deliveries then back to packing.  We enjoyed the short visit with Scott and look forward to seeing both he and Allison on the 23rd.  Clark and family will be here tomorrow night and we’re anxious to see them for a couple of days.  Lacey may not come since she has a job now and may have to work. 

Enjoy the day!
