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The retreat has come and gone…

We had a great retreat and I was very well received.   Some of the ladies in attendance have been friends for 40+ years.  However, most were ladies from my class I taught the last 13 years we were in Louisville, along with three new ladies.  We had 57 in attendance for the first two sessions, but several went home after dinner since they were not spending the night.  We ended with 34 +/- for the final sessions and the following time of worship and communion.  I truly love those ladies and I pray God used me to help them along on their spiritual journey.  It was a fun filled and busy 24 + hours and I’m glad I went and glad it’s now behind me.

Jerod is competing in the academic Governor’s Cup tomorrow for the state championship, and we know he and his team will do well.  It’s an exciting time and it amazes me how much knowledge those kids have.

I’m tired and there’s really not much news.  Have a great week and I love these sunny days.  Now we need to turn up the heat a tad or two and it will be perfect.  The trees are budding and the flowers are blooming.  Central KY is beautiful this time of the year!

Saw a cell video clip of Neyland walking and he’s so cute…guess Turner still lacks some motivation!  Let the fun begin for Scott and Allison!!!


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