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Please re-route our rain….

Rain, rain go away…come back in July / August, please! We have had many inches of rain this past few weeks…wishing we could send some of it to Texas to help put out the wildfires…with more coming within minutes. Many areas are flooding and some for the second time this week.

This week has been a week of medical issues for my Mom, me, and my brother-in-law, Jim.  Mother and I had the endoscopy…along with a colostomy for me…while Jim had a heart ablation. All of us are good-to-go and we’re praising God for that. Like I’ve said many times…growing old is NOT for sissies!

The two couples renting our “blue house” are so sweet and even came over to sit on the porch and visit the other evening. They had to cancel last years trip to KY due to rain / flooding and now they’re getting to experience it first hand this year. We have had some time of sunshine and warmth so they have seen some of the surrounding sights. Central KY is beautiful this time of year and there is a lot to visit within a 50 mile radius.  They will be here through Wednesday, so just maybe they will have some dry, sunny days before they  have to head back home to Kansas.

Nothing of interest going on so guess I’ll get off here and back to being my usual “Susie homemaker” role. Have a great weekend, a wonderful time of worship tomorrow, and look for the good in all things each day.  Continue to pray for Jim and his complete recovery so he can get back to just being JIM.  Love to all.


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