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Came home to a sauna…

We are back at home after having a great five days of being with Carter, Lori, Scott, Allison, Turner and Neyland.  Carter and George caught a fair amount of bass on their fishing trip…no trophy size but nice ones…Lori and I managed to do some shopping and that was a fun time even though it was in the 90’s.  I really enjoyed getting to know Lori better and we even taught her how to play Texas 42…a must know since they will be moving to Dallas in the near future.  A truly fun time!

Of course we always enjoy seeing Turner and Neyland…naturally their parent, too.  The boys are already 15 months old, walking/running, talking some, and in general are very pleasant, sweet natured boys.  Scott and Allison had to work yesterday (Tuesday) so we kept the boys at home with us.  We played, we walked, we changed diapers, we ate, we napped, we changed diapers, read LOTS of books, and when all else failed…we (I) changed yet another diaper.  I would love to be able to see them a lot more often but Atoka (Memphis) is about a 7 hour drive for us, so we don’t get there often enough.  So far, Scott/Allison haven’t been brave enough to go on a trip with them but I’m hoping they will attempt it this summer or fall.  Thanks for letting us spoil the boys, change their routine for the day, and let’s just hope the boys will love their Mimi as much as they do their Papa in time.  They are truly daddy’s boys…or Papa’s.

We will run over to Louisville in the morning for Tyler’s graduation from elementary school…hard to believe he’ll be in middle school this fall.  Today, Kyle, graduated from middle school with several honors.  He had perfect attendance, 4.0 GPA, and got the Vice-Principal’s award…not sure what that is but will find out tomorrow.  He’s so cute, smart, athletic, and in general,  just a good guy.  Congratulations, Kyle.  I’m so very proud you are one of my many grandsons.

Time to get the laundry out of the dryer.  Have a good rest-of-the-week and stay cool.  Kentucky is currently a lot like a sauna…90’s with high humidity.  I will not complain…I’ll just remember the bitter cold of winter and then rejoice!



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