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Here’s a post that’s been floating around in cyber space…

Last Saturday we were up early to catch our flight out of Louisville for Albuquerque, New Mexico to spend a few days vacationing with Ron and Jean Like.  We had a fabulous time seeing the sights in Santa Fe, Taos, and Chimya…not sure of  the spelling for these but I think I’m close.  The weather was perfect, the scenery was breath taking, and we thoroughly enjoyed our time.  We got back to Louisville on Wednesday evening and headed back to Wilmore…after spending a few hours in Louisville…so we could do laundry, repack, and get a good nights rest in our own bed.  We were back on the road for Louisville in less that twelve hours so we could be here for Tyler’s surgery yesterday.

Tyler had spinal surgery to untethered some nerves and he’s doing very well.  We are hoping he will be able to come home tomorrow night (Saturday) after he completes the necessary PT requirements.  He won’t be able to stand until tomorrow…can only lay on his back without pillows, etc…but they will put his bed at a 30 degree rise later this evening and that should be a little more comfortable for him.  He’s being a real trooper and does NOT complain.  He did have a reaction to his antibiotic so that’s been stopped.  Surgery is never fun, but one of his first comments were that his leg feels so different in the calf area.  This is a good sign and he will see more improvement as time passes.  So guess it’s worth all this after all.

George was going to stay here with me until Saturday but we got a call from someone wanting the “blue house” tonight.  Therefore, he went back last night so he could clean this morning.  Normally that would not have been an issue since we keep the house ready, but since we had people staying there while we were on vacation, it had to be cleaned.  Tanya washed all the sheets and towels for us before we even got home and that was a big plus.  He will get to repeat the process since we have others coming next Thursday and I won’t get home until sometime Wednesday evening.  I’ll have plenty more opportunities to clean while he’s working on the new bathroom so I don’t feel especially bad.  Life continues to keep us busy and for that we are thankful.

When we flew out of Louisville last Saturday, it was HOT…97 with high humidity…and we’ve come home to gloomy skies, drizzle, and the temperatures only in the 60’s.  What a difference a few days can make.

Guess I’m out of news.  I know George has, or will be, putting some pictures up and sharing some of the fun stuff we did with Ron and Jean, so check out his blog or facebook page.  Have a fabulous weekend and praise God for answered prayers.


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