Tyler continues to improve even though today has not been as good as previous days, per Tyler. He’s still experiencing some pain but that seems to be managed fairly well with the necessary meds. He’s been a terrific patient and has voiced very few complaints…even when it comes to doing his required school work. It’s going to be a long couple of months but he knows he’s got to endure this time to avoid any future problems. Plus, he’s gotten a cookie gram, three big bags of snack treats, and lots of attention.
Branden will be starting a new “career” move today. He will be traveling with some band working as their videographer. He’s excited about it and, I believe, it will be for one year…guess it could last longer if the band stays successful. Good luck Branden!…you may need it before it’s all over. That has to be a rough life since you have no place to call home.
Carter and Lori are house hunting in Dallas now that she’s found a new job with Texas Central Bank.  She’s pleased to have found this job so soon and I know it will help her feel settled quicker. Congratulations, Lori, and I know you’ll do a good job. As for other family members…they all seem to be doing well since I take it that no news is ALWAYS good news.
About time to take another load of laundry out of the dryer, so I’ll get off here. A beautiful, warm day today but it’ll all change tomorrow. Love to all!