I don’t care if the sun is trying to shine…14 degrees is COLD. Today will be our coldest day so far…we even had lots of snow flurries, with no accumulation, thankfully, yesterday along with lots of strong wind…but that’s all past us for now and tomorrow it’s suppose to be somewhat warmer. At least, the forties will be warmer after a day in the teens. Come on spring!
We have been blessed to have our current guest at the “blue house” for 14 days…that has sure helped in replacing what we lost by not getting to go to Florida. They are a sweet family from Fairbanks, AK. and plan to come to the lower 48 once a year to see grandma. Hopefully, we’ll see them again as they say our guest house was perfect and helped them have the best Christmas ever. Our next family arrives on the 10th and will also be here for almost two weeks. Last year we only had guest for 4 days in January but this year we have 16 days booked, so far, and we feel so very blessed.
Tomorrow George will get his stitches out of his foot and the wound looks really good. Unfortunately, he still has several weeks before he can put any weight on this foot. I think they will x-ray the foot tomorrow to see if the screw is doing what it’s suppose to do and we’ll sure be sad if it’s not. He’s done really well through all this but it’s just inconvenient to be on a knee walker all the time. Oh well, it could be worse! Could be summer and he’d sure have a hard time mowing the yard with the knee walker!
Got to get busy. Stay warm, stay well, and stay close to the Lord. Love ya!