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Two week check-up…

George went to his surgeon’s office this morning and got the stitches out of his foot…wound looks very good ’cause he’s had a GREAT nurse taking care of it…and he was surprised, if not shocked, when he saw the x-ray and how long the screw was that was put in.  It’s around 3 inches long!  Of course, the bone has not moved any closer together and the doctor said there shouldn’t be much change yet.  We go back in two more weeks for another x-ray…still no weight on that foot.  After his next visit, he will be able to put a little weight on that foot (25 lbs. of pressure) for one week, 50 lbs pressure on the second week, 75 lbs on third week, and hopefully at the 4th week he’ll be able to walk normally.  Of course, should there be any negative changes we’ll have to go back to square one.  Therefore, let’s be praying for complete healing.  This is a long ordeal but worth it if he heals completely.

Not much else to write about and I’ve laundry to do since our guest left this morning.  They must have done some of the towels ‘casue there’s really not many of those that were used and needing me to wash them…also, they left the house in very good order! They were a sweet family and they said they’d be back.  This is certainly a perk to owning the “blue house”…getting to meet LOTS of super nice people.  We’re definitely blessed by them all.

Enjoy the day!


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