George went back to the surgeon today and it looks as though things are progressing right along. Although the bone isn’t completely healed, it is headed in the right direction. He no longer has the need of the knee walker so it’s been returned to the rental place…can we all say HURRAY to that…and he is now able to put some weight on his foot…about half his body weight. He’ll be like this for two more weeks, then he’ll be able to put away the crutches and walk normally. He’ll have his foot x-rayed again in four weeks and we’re hoping for total healing…at least close to total healing…at this time. It’s been a long ordeal but we’re just so thankful for healing and a very good surgeon and a God that has constantly watched over both of us.
We have had several people book the blue house today so our spring looks as though it will be a busy one…another good blessing. We are even having people booking…or wanting to book…for the spring of 2013 for graduation. People are hearing about us and have figured out it pays to call early.
It’s truly winter here but hasn’t been too terrible for the most part. Of course, the coldest months are yet to come…February and March…and we’ll gladly welcome spring when it decides to show up.
Nothing important to write about so guess I’ll get off here. We hope to go to Louisville this weekend to watch Ryan and his ROTC drill team perform and that’s always quite impressive. As far as I know, all are well, happy for the most part, and glad to be alive but, there again, that’s always subject to change. Have a good rest-of-the-week.