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Happy 73rd Anniversary….

Today we celebrate the 73rd anniversary of my parents…Arnold and Ruby Mae Watson…and this is a remarkable event.  Many couples never get to share these many years together and we are blessed that they made a commitment to God, and each other, and honored it.  I know every day wasn’t a great day but they worked out their differences and continued to love each other.  Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!  I love you both!

I got to spend the last few days in Louisville with Melissa and her family and got back home yesterday morning.  Melissa is one BUSY lady and she just needed some help in getting all the different kids to their different activities in different parts of the city…Byron was out of town for part of my time there.  All I can say is…you have to be young to maintain a pace like that for an extended period of  time!  It can sure wear a OLD body out but I enjoyed being with them and glad I was available to jump in and help out.  Also, while I was there, we got to celebrate Melissa’s birthday.  The day wasn’t a “party” day since Tyler had 3 ball games, Kyle had 2 (I think), Madi was sick and she had to take her to the doctor’s, and Melissa had to work the concession stand at the ball field that evening.  Ryan and I had a great day and did some birthday shopping with Madi…even though she was ill with a ear infection…so we all had a full day.  Happy belated birthday, Melissa, and may this be a good year, a bit calmer than usual, and never forget you are loved and valued by your family.

Today is another “clean the blue house” day and I’m thankful that’s a job I don’t mind doing…also, means we’ve had renters!  We had a group coming in yesterday evening but they realized that they had booked in a place 3 hours away from where they’d be working so they cancelled.  We do have the next couple of weeks booked solid so business continues.  Can we all say…YEAH!!!

With that being said, guess I’ll get myself up and moving in that direction.  Again, Happy, happy anniversary Mom and Dad!!  Happy, happy belated birthday, Melissa!  I love you all.


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