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Went to Boca Grande today

George and I went over to Boca Grande today so he could ride his bike on the Island and I could walk.  This is a really affluent section in this area of Florida, so I always enjoyed seeing all the beautiful homes, etc.  There’s also a lot of shops that I usually like to look in, but I just didn’t seem to be in the mood today to look at the goodies when I smelled like someone that had walked 4 miles in 80 degrees…not sure the clientele would have approved either.  We did enjoy a good lunch once we cooled off.  Therefore, we enjoyed our time on the island and felt we had another good day in the Florida sunshine.

I have hopes of going to the beach tomorrow but I just glanced at myself in the mirror and I got a whole lot of  the Florida sunshine today, so I may lay low tomorrow.  We’ll see what I look like in the morning.  When we do go, I will sun and read…George will try his hand at fishing.  He hasn’t done any fishing yet but said he’s going to go soon.  Oh well, there are some good restaurants we are aware of that have fish on the menu so that’s not really a big concern.  Besides he knows I don’t clean or cook fish so it’s only for the sport of it…catch and release I think it’s called.

Enjoy your evening and I’ll post again soon.
