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Attended another graduation….

Today we wrapped up the school year for the Gabehart kids with Madi’s graduation…the boys were NOT able to attend as they were still in school.  It was held in the high school gym in order to accommodate everyone and was very nice.  Afterwards, we went to lunch at McAllister’s…her choice.  She had a packet of awards and certificates with an all A’s report card.  I can’t believe she’s now in middle school!  Boy, oh boy, they grow up so fast!

Ryan is now a senior, Kyle a junior, Tyler a 7th grader, Jerod a freshman, Meredith a 8th grader, Blake and Madison are 6th graders, Grayson a 5th grader, Chance a senior at WKU, Sean is at UofL but I don’t know his standings.  And the twins…well, they are just being adorable 2 year old boys.  So we’ll have more graduations to attend through the years.  As mentioned in a previous post, Lacey graduated from Paramedic School a few weeks ago...Chase is a police officer in Brentwood, Tennessee…Branden is working at being Branden in Louisville.  We are truly blessed grandparents to 15 fantastic kids!

After lunch George left for Tennessee to go fishing with Jim for a couple of days and  he should be home sometime Friday…hope they catch a bunch and do the ole “catch and release” method.  I’m still not much of a fish eating lady, unless it’s lobster, shrimp, or scallops which I feel certain are not what they are fishing for.  I hung around Louisville for a while so I could go with Madi to her horse riding lesson.  She’s just learning the ropes about the horses, but she’s catching on quick and really loves it.  I got to see Tyler for about 5 minutes before we headed to the “farm”…he has a ball game tonight…never saw either Ryan or Kyle as they had some “end of school”  fun stuff to do before they got home.  I got back home around 5:30 p.m. and have done nothing much since that time…don’t even plan on doing anything until tomorrow.  My book I’m reading keeps calling my name, so I feel sure that’s what will occupy my time tonight.

After several days of really hot weather, we are now having absolutely gorgeous weather and I’m loving’ it!  I hear we may get some rain tomorrow and I’m sure hoping that happens…not storms as being predicted in Louisville…but we are so very dry here in Wilmore and we would love a nice soaking rain.  Time will tell.  Louisville got a heavy rain yesterday and a lot of areas flooded because of it…we got not one drop!…and they were saying today that the storm headed their way will include heavy hail.  Melissa’s house was damaged with the hail storm back in April…her birthday and I was there…and they are waiting for the new roof to be installed.  Guess it’s a good thing the roof hasn’t be repaired yet if another hail storm…with bigger hail…is headed for them.  Guess it’s the same storm that did so much damage in OK. yesterday.

I’m out of news and need to eat some dinner so I’ll close for now.  Have a great rest-of-the-week.  Love to all.


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