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Happy Birthday Jim

Today is the birthday of my “favorite” brother-in-law, Jim Arnett, and I wish him nothing but the best.  Now how old are you?  By my recollection, you’re catching up fast! 

Today is also the birthday of my friend, Geri Bare, and I pray this year will be a better one for her.  Last year she lost both of her parents, had a horrible car accident that she is still recoving from some eight months later, and has changed directions in her business which may be both a blessing and a challenge.  She continues to look to the Lord for her strength, but on a lot of days it’s been an uphill climb all the way!  So many times the devil is there to discourage her, but she hangs on to her faith and praises God daily for allowing her to continue in this life.  Keep it up, Geri, you’ll finally be back where you want to be and will be all the stronger for it.

It’s rainy today and I’m thankful for it.  This area is so very dry and can use all the rain they can get.  I may not have to walk today, but I’m sure it will clear up enough to do so later.  I’ll use, and take, any excuse since this is my least favorite thing to do…exercise.  Oh well, I need it for my health…not to mention my weight!  I’ve picked up five pounds since we’ve moved to Wilmore and they came on with “super glue” attachments.  The older we get the harder it is to lose even when you try really hard! 

George just showed me a Snook he just hooked off the boat dock…see what a new rod can do for a guy!  Hope he catches a bunch!  He enjoys fishing, I do too but I haven’t bought a license and won’t at the existing price, but he hasn’t caught many yet this trip…but he hasn’t tried many times either.  I still say that the restaurants have the best fish…ready to eat!

Have a great day and we’re planning on going to the beach again tomorrow.  Stay warm!

