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Friday already?…..

WOW this week has flown by!  There hasn’t been a lot going on, but it has been busy and interesting.  Yesterday we…as in George and I…had a little bit of excitement.  He was out in his workshop and using his Ban-saw…incorrectly, I might add…and ended up at the ER getting 11 stitches in two different fingers.  The good thing is, the fingers are still there and will heal.  I found out, after the fact, that he had cut another area on the same hand earlier, but not deep enough to require stitches, with the same saw.  Sure hope he’ll not do this again as the results may not be as good.  I feel uneasy about all those saws, as it is, and I’m now even more convinced of the danger of them.  He LOVES working out there and has made some really nice items, but it’s still dangerous.

This week has been a really HOT one here in Central KY with lots of humidity.  They are saying that after today, it will cool down a little…mid 80’s…and be a little less humid.  The big Icthus music festival is going on here in Wilmore and I feel sure those camping out in their tents are about to melt.  I heard the attendance is down this year, so this may be the last one…at one time they would draw thousands for this festival, but the numbers have dwindle the last few years.  We’re going on Saturday night and hear Steven Curtis Chapman and we think he’s really good.  All the artist are Christian artist…even the hard rock ones…but some are much easier to listen to with our OLD ears.  The kids love the LOUD ones!  We can hear some of the groups from our house, which is over a mile away, so they are LOUD.  It all ends Saturday night and we will once again be the sleepy little “Mayberry”.

The “blue house” has been busy this month…only 9 days were vacant…and we are thankful.  We have meet many really nice people and they are all so complimentary of the house and what we are doing with it.  They all say it is truly a home away from home and that’s what we’re trying to accomplish.  We have bookings for different times in 2013 already.  Thank you Lord!

I would ask that you all pray for Vanessa as she’s been in the hospital the last couple of days with lots of pain in the stomach area.  They are testing to see if it’s her gall bladder or liver but haven’t yet been able to pinpoint the problem.  I do know that there can be quite a bit of pain with the gall bladder and I’m praying that’s the problem and not the liver.  Hopefully, some diagnosis will be made today.  We just praying for answers and for complete healing.  Love you Vanessa and Clark!

Guess I’d better get busy and accomplish “something”…not sure just what.  We are both well, except for the sore fingers, and blessed far more than we deserve.  Have a great weekend and stay cool.  Love to all.




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