Kyle was in his first “Quick Recall” match today with his elementary school and they won both matches against Bates Elementary. He was really pleased that they did so well and he’s now looking forward to their next match next week. This is quite a challenge for the kids working under all that pressure and trying to remember all the facts, etc.  but he seems to be doing well and really enjoys it. Ryan is on his middle school team but I haven’t heard just how they are doing. Good job Kyle!!!
I have been watching the new “American Idol” show and from what I’ve seen so far Melissa would stand a chance. Now if she will continue to practice, we just may see her on stage in the future…but it has to be without the Karaoke machine!
We had another warm day today (80 degrees) with lots of sunshine until we went to the beach to see the sunset. On our way over to the beach, the clouds began rolling in and before the sun got even close to the horizon the clouds completely blocked out any hint of color. Oh well, tomorrow we will be given another chance. We had a good pizza and salad on the way home so it certainly wasn’t a wasted trip!
Have a great evening…stay warm!