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Summer is back…

After nearly a week of near perfect weather…high 70’s to the very low 80’s…we are back to the 90’s.  One thing about it, we know this heat won’t last long ’cause fall is right around the corner.  Really, it is ’cause the calendar says so!!!  I loved those days of having the windows open with a cool breeze that’s airing out the house and no AC running.

This week has been another good week.  On Wednesday, George and I went to Big South Fork Recreational Area…about two hours from here and almost in Tennessee…to do a little fishing and hiking.  Well, the fish heard we were coming so they all went into hiding…got not one bite much less a fish.  The water in the river was really low, since we have had such little rain all summer, and the water fall we walked back to was nothing more than a very small trickle.  Regardless, it was a fun day with near perfect weather and it’s an absolutely beautiful area of Kentucky.

The other days of this week were spent cleaning our house, or the “blue house”, doing laundry, wood working (George), knitting (me), reading (both) or just enjoying life.  We are looking forward to having Clark, Vanessa, Scott, Allison, Turner, and Neyland here Labor Day weekend and anticipate great memories will be made.  I’ll have more on this after they have all come and gone back home.

All the grand kids are back in school…except for Meredith and she’s home schooling this year…and they all seem to have gotten back into the routine easily.  It’s hard for me to believe that Ryan is a senior this year, Kyle a sophomore, Tyler a 7th grader, Madi a 6th grader, Jerod a freshman, Meredith a 8th grader, Blake a 6th grader, Grayson a 5th grader, while Sean and Chance are finishing up there college work within the next year, or two, or three.  That leaves Chase, Branden, and Lacey working at their chosen careers and the twins being adorable 2 1/2 year old boys.  The  years are just flying by and we are so blessed to have our precious family.

I heard from my sister, Linda, yesterday and she’s been visiting our parents in Texas this week.  She said all seems to be going well with them and she enjoyed being with them…also Lorin and Patsy.  She’ll be flying back to Nashville this afternoon and I’m praying for safe travel for her with no delays.  Jim was unable to get away from work and it was a good thing since one of his very special cousins passed away yesterday.  I know Jim and Linda will miss Larry but we thank God for his life and the courage he showed to all that knew him.  Physical problems never kept him down and, therefore, he became a blessing to all those that loved him.

Guess that’s about it for now and I can hear my knitting needles calling me to come pick them up.  Have a wonderful weekend and spend some truly special time with God’s family today, and every day.  I love  you all.


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