Can’t believe that we have been here for one month…the days just seem to be flying by. We have had a good month of relaxation, reading, sunning, and “do nothings”. We look forward to seeing what we might do differently in February.
In January we had Gary and Dianne Smith visit for a day and a half and that was fun. We have Ron and Jean Like coming in today for one night…they get their condo tomorrow in Venice…one of our neighboring towns. We always enjoy being with them, here and in KY. On the 1st our former next door neighbors and friends…Roy and Doris Turner…will be stopping by on their way to Naples. Then the folks will be here from the 5th – 12th and our time in Florida will begin drawing to an end. Two months sounds like a long time, but it sure goes by quickly.
This week the days are spectacular…in the 80’s! We went to the beach yesterday and it was so nice. I love all the sounds and smells! My earliest memories are at the beach in California so guess that’s why I love it so much. God did good when he made the beach!
Brag time again…Ryan made the first cut for his schools NEW baseball team. He loves the sport but will have to really put a lot of effort into it to be really at his best. Practice is never fun but it’s a MUST to excel.
Got to go walk before our friends get here. Have a good day, stay warm, and we miss all of you that read this blog.