Today is another beautiful day in central Florida!  We had another good Sunday school class, taught by my favorite teacher of all times, and worship service this morning. Afterwards we headed out for lunch with Ron and Jean. They are so much fun to be with and we are so thankful our paths crossed four years ago. We went to our usual Chinese restaurant. We’ll be taking mom and dad there next week!
Do you really care who wins the Super Bowl? I guess I will cheer for the Giants, since they are the underdogs, but it really doesn’t matter who wins since the Cowboys or the Colts are not playing. I just hope it will be a good game because I really do like football as a sport.
Not much happening today…just being lazy and waiting for the game to start in several more hours.
Have a good week. We have three birthdays this week so watch for the post on who’s special day it is Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday!