What a special young man is our Blake Daniel Crockett. Today is his 13th birthday and we couldn’t be happier to have another teenager on board. Blake is a very talented athlete in both baseball and basketball, excels in school, has a funny, charming personality, loves the Lord and his family, and is very good looking! Happy birthday, Blake, and you are so loved! Enjoy seeing the UK ballgame today and may the teen years be some of your most memorable years.
We’ve got almost all our Christmas shopping done and, as usual, we are thankful for our precious family. As for the gifts…they are from the heart and hope they will be enjoyed even though no one needs anything! We are all extremely blessed and I thank God for my family and my life.
What a tragic day yesterday was. How does one get up and begins the process of killing all those innocent people? May God offer peace and comfort to all the families involved in such a horrific day in our history.
Time to tackle some of the Suzy Homemaker chores for today. Again…HAPPY 13TH BIRTHDAY, BLAKE!!! Love to all!