The last few days have been busy for us, as I’m sure they are for most of you reading this. We have had guest at the blue house, along with some special friends of ours that are currently using the “blue house”…they have four small children and we just don’t have that many beds in our small home…and they will be here until Sunday. We have another group (8 more) coming over from Louisville tomorrow so they to can enjoy visiting with our guest…Isaac and Jenny Keene and their children…and that should be a really fun time.  Most of us were in the same small group for many years so we have some rather strong attachments to each other and love getting together.
On Sunday we will be going to Louisville to spend a little time with the Gabehart’s before we head on to Scott and Allison’s. Ryan will be having his 18th birthday on Christmas eve…hard to believe he’s that old…and we’ll also do our Christmas with them. We’re hoping to see Clark and Vanessa for a couple of minutes during the short time we’ll be there…they too have a full schedule that day with all three of their kids living in Louisville. We had our Christmas with the Crockett’s on Wednesday, Gabehart’s and Clark on Sunday, Scott’s on Christmas so can we say it’s a PARTY week for us and a big HO-HO-Ho for being so good all year! We will miss celebrating with Carter and Lori but that’s OK as we were with them just a month (+/-) ago and will be talking to them on Christmas day. We are truly blessed with some great kids and grand kids!
We will return home on Thursday and get back to reality. We will be having guest at the “blue house” while we are gone so that will be one of the first events of the new year…getting it clean and ready for a bridal party on the 4th. So thankful for all the sweet people that we have met through this avenue and we’re looking forward to all the ones coming our way during 2013.
Winter blew in for real last night and we woke up to a light dusting of snow this morning. It will all be gone by tomorrow, thankfully. I sure hope that’s all the snow we’ll have for the entire winter but I really doubt that will be the case. All I know is that it was really cold yesterday and today! Come on back Spring…you are already being missed.
Guess I best get off here and get myself ready for bed. I’m tired tonight as I didn’t sleep well last night with the wind blowing stuff around all night long. We both continue to maintain decent health for OLD folks, we are well nourished causing us to both be fat, sassy, but blessed beyond what we deserve. We are also very excited for all the events taking place the next couple of days…(1) Ryan turns 18…(2) Christmas with family members…(3) time to reflect on Jesus and what his birth means to us and our spiritual walk. Thank you Lord for your grace and mercy.
We pray we’ll have safe travel and a wonderful time of spoiling the twins for a couple of day…and for that I am NOT ashamed…and the few minutes to love on the other grand kids we’ll get to see. Life is good and I wish you all a very Merry Christmas…didn’t get any cards mailed out again this year…and may this new year be the best one yet. Love to all.