I am thrilled to say I no long have to wear my sling! I had a good report yesterday from Dr. Kirk that everything is healing appropriately and I am now with the PT man. Let me just say…PT is painful and a couple of my exercises are nothing short of torture. They are all designed to help bring mobility back to my arm but it will not be easy for this next week or so, but it will get better. Next month will be the month of getting more strength in that arm and then I should be 100%!  I feel like a wimp when I can’t get my arm to raise up, or straighten out, but it got really comfortable with the sling and is now rebelling.
Yesterday morning, before the storm blew in, we had temperatures up to 70 degrees and this morning we’re in the 20’s with snow falling. It is pretty but I would rather see sunshine and enjoy the warm days without the storms. Tornado’s in January are really unheard of but it happen yesterday. Makes one anxious as to what our spring will really be like!
Good luck to Lori tomorrow as she starts her new job…still don’t know where but she’s really excited about having gotten it. February is a good month for birthday’s for us…Chase, Tyler, Me, Marjorie (George’s sister-in-law), Turner, and Neyland all get to be celebrated. So happy, happy to each of us!
I’m getting off of here as my arm said I’m finished! Have a great day, stay warm, and enjoy another day. Love to all