Our time in Orange Beach, AL. was very relaxing and a welcomed change of pace. Although the weather was not great…very windy and rather cold…the sun was shining most days and we still got to enjoy being on the beach. There was certainly no time for “tanning” but the smell, sound, and view were all there and I loved it!
We got back home this past Saturday afternoon and we love being home and sleeping in our own bed. The old saying “there’s no place like home” is a very true statement. Our time with Carter and Lori was short but very enjoyable. We were even entertained by Lori with her playing several pieces on her new baby grand piano…didn’t even know she could play! Thanks for having us, loving us, and making us feel so special. Love you both!
I’m going to my orthopedic doctor in the morning ( Wednesday) and I feel sure I am doing well. I do have problems getting my right arm to go around my back but that to will come in time, I’m sure. This next month will be concentrating on getting the strength back in my arm. I’m sure I’ll continue with the mobility exercises, plus the new ones for strengthening, so my days will continue to consist of getting myself back to normal. I currently am doing 13 exercises 25 times each three times a day. Hate it! But it’s working so I do it faithfully.
Winter is headed our way and I am sad about that. I pray we don’t get any snow but we will see. It’s won’t be anything like Amarillo and others have gotten, I’m sure. Therefore, I will not complain…whine a little, but won’t complain!
Guess I’d better get busy doing some Suzy homemaker stuff here and at the “blue house”. Have a great day! Love to all.