So thankful March is here and we can really start looking forward to spring. However, winter is hanging on tight and not about to let up for a while. We are currently averaging about 25 – 30 degrees below our normal and that is NOT good but we know this too shall pass. Our spring flowers are getting rather confused as to keep on growing or to hang on longer before trying to bloom. They are popping up so spring truly is coming.
George is again on another project to improve our OLD house. Since we have moved into the middle bedroom he is redesigning the closets so we can move our clothes into that room. He’s added lots of shelves and made more room for our stuff. Of course, we will use the front bedroom closet…this house only has two closets and a really small coat closet in the dining room…for out of season stuff and just stuff in general. I went through all the junk in the closet he’s now working on and it’s amazing all the stuff crammed in there and never used. My old saying goes…if not being used out it goes! Look out Goodwill, we’ll be at your drive thru later this week.
We are going to be in Nashville Thursday night for the Lee Camp show at DLU and that should be fun…will be similar to a Garrison Keeler (sp) show. We’ve heard great things about them so we are going to see for ourselves. We will be back home by early afternoon on Friday as I’m hoping for another PT sessions that day. I was scheduled for one that morning but had to cancel it…we are trying to get it reschedule so I won’t miss any. Regardless, it will be a really quick trip.
Not much going on other that the closet work and, as for me, I am really getting bored with this daily inactivity. My shoulder is healing and I have most of my mobility back but I am still not free of pain…thankfully it comes and goes now instead of being constant. I am assured that within six months…yes that’s six months…I will be A-OK. I’m sure banking on that and doing all I’m suppose to be doing to get there. This just takes a lot longer to recover from than I expected. Of course, my age doesn’t help in getting a speedy recovery either. I am definitely learning to have more patience and am constantly being thankful for a loving husband that takes such great care of me.
Have a great day and we will do the same once all this rain, or snow, goes away. God remains faithful and I will never doubt that he’s knows what we need and just when we need it. So I will not complain…much!!! Love to all.