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Tokens Show…

Our QUICK trip to Nashville on Thursday was so-o-o fun.  We would recommend anyone in the Nashville area, or close by, go and see the next Token Show by Lee Camp and friends.  It was so fun and entertaining!!!  We also got to spend the night with Linda and Jim and I am happy to say that both Linda and Jim are doing well and staying busy, which is certainly nothing new for them.   We were only gone from home a little less than 24 hours but it was worth the travel.  Thanks again to Linda and Jim for their hospitality and love for us.

We are going to have some spring like weather today and tomorrow and that is such a welcome relief.  Yesterday was our first day of sunshine for weeks and it was fabulous!!!  I hope to get outside this afternoon and begin cleaning out the front flower beds just in case this “spring like” weather remains and I can soon plant some flowers.  We have more winter coming, I’m sure, but I can get myself ready regardless.

I wish we would leave the time alone but we’ll  be going to day light savings tonight and wake up with one hour less sleep in the morning.  We’ll still only have the 24 hour day so why bother changing times twice a year?  Guess we should just be thankful we woke up!!!

Time to get back to my “suzy homemaker” chores for today.  Have a great weekend and know our God is a good God.  May your worship of Him be one that refreshes your soul.  Love to all.


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