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Monday in Louisville

We went to Louisville yesterday to see all the Gabeharts for a few hours.  We got to Melissa and Byron’s about 1 1/2 hours before time for the kids to get home from school…my only real time to visit with Melissa…and then George and I went to the bus stop to get the three younger ones while Melissa headed to the middle school to get Ryan.  I heard Madi and Tyler yell “Mimi” before I ever saw them…music to my ears, for sure!  They knew we were back from Florida, but they didn’t know we were coming in to see them so it was a really great experience.  They have all grown…some more than others in size…but they have all grown in disposition.  I hate that kids grow up so fast but I know that’s God’s design and we just have to adjust.  Melissa fixed a great dinner, along with Byron at the grill, so that was worth the trip!  After dinner we hung around until the kids were needing to finish up homework and get baths, so we decided to head for home.

Our small group was meeting last night in our old neighborhood, so we ran by there to see everyone before heading for Wilmore.  They were almost finished with there discussion so we didn’t interrupt them too much and it was good seeing everyone.  We came back home in heavy rain and this area really doesn’t need any more for awhile…it needs to go to Florida as it’s a severe drought there.

Today I finally did the laundry, read some of my “fun” book, and then fixed Santa Fe Stew for dinner…makes a lot so the Crockett’s came over to help eat it up.  Again another fun time with kids and grand-kids. 

Tomorrow morning we’re headed back to Louisville to meet with the people we go to New Orleans with and we hope to get a more definite idea of what we can do to help them now that we live in Wilmore.  We will also visit the new inner city ministry that they just started up in January and that should be an interesting work since it’s in downtown Louisville with so many needs to be met.  God will be honored through them and the people of downtown Louisville will definitely benefit from having them down there.

We had a couple of minutes of sunshine today but I sure miss  having it for the better part of our day.  We’re definitely not getting the warmth we have become accustomed to and we can do without the storms…lots of heavy rain and wind again today.

Here’s a couple of quotes from my Daily Splashes of Joy book for you to ponder…

#1-There are two approaches to the future:  anxiety and optimism.  One will make you dread tomorrow; the other will help you welcome it. 

#2-If you can’t laugh at yourself…I’ll be glad to do it for you.
