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Derby day…

The last few days have been absolutely beautiful here in Kentucky but today that cold front has hit and it’s windy, cool, and gonna be raining before long.  All the pretty hats, etc. being worn at the derby today may just get ruined before the day is over ’cause Louisville is going to be even more stormy!  We will be going to Louisville this afternoon to attend our usual derby party hosted by Gene and Mary Cash.   This will be fun time being with friends we haven’t seen since the last derby party…guess that shows how close we all really are…but all the food will be spectacular and well worth the trip!  As for the horses…I know they will run but I have no clue about who’s suppose to win or even who’s running.  The derby is always fun and the people there are even more fun to watch!

This next week is going to be another busy one, but a fun one.  Of course, we will again have the pleasure of cleaning the blue house before we will be hosting Linda and Jim which will be coming in on Tuesday night.  We will be going to Cincinnati on Wednesday to attend a Red’s ballgame and then just hang out around here until they have to go home on Friday…Emma’s dance recital is that night and they need to be there for that.  It’s been ages since they have been here and we are excited they are coming!

Friday night we will also be going to a dance recital that Meredith will be a part of.  She’s worked very  hard getting ready for it and will do a good job performing with all the others.  On Saturday we will be going to Bowling Green to see Chance graduate from Western Kentucky University…this is always a very exciting time for the graduate and a proud time for the family and friends.

This week our daughter-in-law, Lori, became a grandmother for the first time…and a young one at that!  Her son, Curtis, and his wife blessed her with a big boy (8 lbs 1 oz) and his name is Brody Lee and he is adorable.  I know this precious baby will be a joy to everyone in that family.  Congrats to Meghan and Curtis…along with Lori and Carter.

My youngest  brother, Jerre, has been battling a bad staph infect, along with cellulitis, and has been in the hospital for the last 10 days.  He was suppose to go home yesterday, but I haven’t heard for sure that he did…I’ll call later to get a current update.  He will be on very strict orders about taking care of his leg and it will take a long time for him to fully recover.  We will continue to pray and believe he will be successful in all this.

All the grand kids are counting the days until school will be over and the summer vacation starts.  Unfortunately, it’ll only be a matter of weeks until they are bored and ready to get back to school to be with all their friends.  Of course, the ones playing ball all summer don’t have much time to be bored.  I know they are ready for a break and I imagine the teachers are too.

I’ve rattled long enough, so I’m getting off here.  Have a great weekend and pray for Jerre to be healed completely!




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