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Easter in Wilmore

Today was a very good day and started out early.  We met at church at 7:30 a.m. for a sunrise Sunday school class with a brunch following…then we attended church…then headed home to get ready for our Easter lunch with both the Gabehart’s and the Crockett’s…none of the boys were able to come this year.  Well, we were suppose to eat at 1 p.m. but that didn’t quite happen.  Melissa called and said she was sitting in traffic due to a multi car wreck and would be late…they even had the helicopters in picking up the injured, etc.  Then Tanya called and said she was taking Grayson in to the immediate care office because he cut his finger with a pair of scissors and would need a stitch or two.  Well they didn’t stitch his finger, rather they glued it back together.  Tanya could have done that but she didn’t have the stuff to do it with.  Now that’s modern medicine and a lot less painful.  We did finally eat and the meal was a good one, even if I cooked most of it by choice…we had ham, potato casserole, squash casserole, green beans, tossed salad, sweet potatoes, pretzel jello salad (left over from the Crockett’s), fried okra, and cupcakes for dessert (from Melissa) so we all had our fill!  The rolls got left in Tanya’s freezer so we’ll have those at a later date…to much going on to remember them!  

We had stuffed lots of plastic eggs for the egg hunt at the park near by…every thing is near by here in Wilmore.  Since we had so many eggs, we invited a couple of other families to join in the fun…there were 12 kids  for the hunt since Ryan said he’s to old to do that now.  Besides they were all but just laying on top of the ground so it really wasn’t much of a challenge and it’s rather chilly so the hunt went quickly.

We had bought a lilac tree yesterday, so George and all the kids planted it out in the front yard and it’s being called our “Easter Tree”…more memories were made today.  Thanks kids, Papa couldn’t have done it without you and I love the signing of the big rock you placed at the base of it.  You did a great job!

It’s now quiet and we’re thankful for today and the time we had together.  We feel so blessed to have such a special family.  We’re even more blessed by being a part of God’s family and knowing the peace and joy that we have because of this family.

Enjoy your week.
