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Happy birthday to two special people…

We are going to celebrate two family members birthdays today.  First..Kyle Gabehart is 17 today and he’s a fantastic young man.  He’s so good looking, excels in both academics and sports, and is just a great young man.  Second…Allison Ezell is also celebrating a BIG birthday today and we are so blessed to have her in our crazy family.  Allison is the mother of our twin grandsons, is a hard worker, and has a full time position of keeping up with Scott.  Happy birthday to you both and I love you both.

We are really enjoying summer, so far…weather is really strange though.  The last few days it’s only been in the 70’s and this is really unusual…last year we were in the 100’s!  We are having more than our share of rain and it’s being predicted to rain off/on every day for the next week.  I pray that the western part of our country could get some rain to help with the fires and drought but God remains in control and knows what’s best.

I feel so sorry for the 19 firefighters that lost their lives the other day…most of them were so young and with young families…and the end isn’t even in sight for that area.  Such devastation!

We’re looking forward to going to see the Red’s play on the 4th and pray the rain stays away.  We enjoy going to Cincinnati…only 90 miles from here…and have been able to go more than usual this year.  I’m not sure we’ll be attending any other games after the 4th, but we’ll see.  Thankfully the temperature on the 4th will again be in the 70’s to low 80’s.

Not much news so guess I’ll get busy and chase some of the “never ending” dust bunnies out from under the beds.  Have a good week, stay safe, and pray for the people in Arizona.  Again…HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYLE AND ALLISON!!!!


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