Jerod Crockett is celebrating his 16th birthday today and that seems impossible! Jerod is an outstanding young man and a joy to all that know him. He, too, is an outstanding student, athlete, woodworker, and fisherman. He loves his family and just enjoyable to be around. Happy, happy birthday Jerod! Love you and so thankful for you and your life.
The rain has stopped for now and we were blessed with the most beautiful, full rainbow we had ever seen last evening…a double rainbow was visible at times. God was reminding us of his promise after days of rain. Absolutely beautiful!!!
We were sorry to hear that Amy…Michael’s wife…lost her 28 year old sister to cancer on Friday night. This is so sad and happen so quickly. Love you Amy and we’re so sorry for you and your family as you grieve this loss.
Have a good week and lets all sing happy birthday to Jerod!!! Love to all!