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We’re going to Louisville

Here it is Monday already and it’s again our time to meet with our small group.  Even though we only meet every other Monday, Monday’s seem to be rolling around really fast.  We’re meeting some friends for dinner before we go to our Bible study, so that will be fun.

It’s really been cold, rainy, and just miserable here lately.  We had spring for several days last week but then winter returned.  Thankfully, by Thursday spring will once again show up here in Wilmore.  Our flowers get so confused but the grass is growing like there’s no tomorrow.  George has our yard looking really nice, and once we return from Texas I’ll get some annuals planted so we’ll have some color out there. 

There’s really nothing of interest to tell so guess I’ll do something productive…like read or crochet!  Stay warm, dry, and enjoy your day!
