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Back to the grind…

We had so much fun in Florida with Carter, Lori, and Lori’s parents, Jean and Butch. Even though it rained about half the time we were there, we managed to get in some time on the beach…the house Carter rented was on the beach which was wonderful! Monday afternoon and Tuesday were great days for being on the beach with the rain skirting around us, while the waves were BIG, the sand was white, we all just enjoyed God’s beautiful creations which made for a really fun time. I managed to get more sun than necessary on my thighs but not to a real extreme, I guess…those haven’t seen sunshine since we were in Florida many, many months ago. Thanks again Lori and Carter for treating us and helping make some great memories that will last our lifetime.

We had an uneventful trip home but it was a LONG day…11 1/2 hours…it was good sleeping in our own bed last night though. I got all of our laundry done last night since I will be doing all the “Blue House” laundry today. Our guest left while we were gone and another is coming in tomorrow. We continue to feel blessed with all the guest we are having that are using our guest home. They all seem to LOVE it which is a very good thing!

Our next scheduled trip will be to go to see Mom and Dad for Thanksgiving. After that we should be home until we go back to Florida for 3-4 weeks for our winter break in January. We’re suppose to go to Sarasota this time…our first in that area…and the place is very close to Siesta Key which is a beautiful beach. We love to travel…and we do try and do all we can afford and feel we have time for. God continues to bless us with good health and minds…sometimes that’s questioned…so we will continue on.

Guess I’d better get myself busy and back to the reality of my life…laundry lady! Please pray for our next door neighbor, Trisha, as she will be having more surgery tomorrow concerning her recently diagnosed cancer. She’s a strong believer, but I know that she’s afraid of the bad C word…as we all would be. She’s a single lady, very private, and we don’t know her well but she has really opened up as of late. We will be helping her out as much as possible this next year while she goes through all the treatment…chemo and radiation…which will zap her energy.

Enjoy your day…our day is cool (53 degrees now) and very foggy…but will will rejoice and be glad in it as this is the day that the Lord has made. Love to you all!


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