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It really happen….

We woke up this morning to snow on the ground…less than an inch, thankfully…and a blustery 29 degrees.  It apprears that we might be blessed with a rather COLD winter this year.  We aren’t suppose to have any snow for a couple more weeks but someone failed to get that message out…yesterday we had an absolutely beautiful day with lots of sunshine and  a 60 + degree day.  Oh well, God sends us what we need even though I never once thought I needed snow in November…or any other month for that matter.  Glad God’s in control and I will just bundle up for now.  Won’t be long until we’ll get to enjoy the sounds of the beach so all is well here.

Our neihghbor, Trisha, begins her radiation today and will only have to have five of those treatments before she starts her rounds of chemo.  The doctors told her that this type of radiation will not be the kind that knocks her feet out from under her and she should be able to keep up with her daily activities.  I haven’t heard what the chemo is suppose to be like.  This is all done to prevent any more cancer from popping up…all test since her surgery have come back clean…so she’s really considered to be cancer free.  Just hearing the “C” word is enough to knock you on your backside!  Please pray this all goes well for her.

We haven’t heard from the Crockett’s since they left New York but we really don’t expect them to have much time, or opportunity, to be sending e-mails.  We do look forward to hearing about all their adventures…especially from the kids.  Seeing how others have to live outside of what we are familiar with can be very life changing.  We ofter feel we have it tough but when we see what “tough” really is in the daily lives of many others…well, you’ll get on your knees and pray for forgiveness for being so self centered and ungrateful.

Guess I’ve rambled on long enough.  Have a good day, stay warm, and show love to all you encounter today.  Love to you all.




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