Our time in Texas has come and gone.  As some of you know, my mother fell a few days before we got there and she’s had a difficult time ever since.  When she fell, she broke a couple of ribs…along with doing more damage to her right shoulder which makes it nearly impossible to use that arm for support, etc…and it is very painful to  even move.  Along with that,  her asthma kicked in making it hard for her to breathe…used her oxygen almost the entire time day/night.  She wouldn’t let me take her to the ER while we were there and I should have insisted.  We left for home on Saturday morning and she was in bed all that day…to much pain to move…and again on Sunday.  At that point, my brother called for an ambulance to take her to the ER and she was admitted with dehydration, UT infection, pain management, and who knows what else.  She will be there at least until tomorrow and then will go to a rehab place that, hopefully, has a nursing home section for dad.  They will be able to be together during the day and someone will give dad his meds, etc. since mom can’t do that right now. Please pray for them.
While you’re praying, please, pray for George’s family. Â His last remaining aunt died on Sunday so we will be headed to Alabama in a couple of hours to celebrate her life. Â Â Imogene Page was a sweet lady and loved by all that knew her. Â She will be missed!
We did stop in Atoka to visit with Scott, Allison, Turner, and Neyland on our way home. Â Those boys are so CUTE and such a joy to be around. Â They will be four in February and are so good! Â They play together very well, talk A LOT, love books, etc. Â Oh ya, Scott and Allison are doing well, too. Â Life is busy for them as it is for most of us, but they are loving and enjoying the twins. Â They are also busy getting their “new to them” house ready for them to move into…in other words, as soon as they sell their current house. Â It’s a big house and has quite a bit of land so that should keep them busier than they currently are and I look forward to seeing it when it’s occupied by them. Â We even have our own bedroom!!!
Guess I need to finish getting ready for our quick trip to AL,..we plan to come back home Wednesday night as we have things needing to get done around here. Â Our Thanksgiving was unusual but it was good getting to enjoy it with Mom and Dad…hope all reading this had a good Thanksgiving, too. Â Love to all.