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Happy birthday, Carter

Today we are celebrating our first born son, Carter, and we are so thankful for him and his life.  Being the first born is the hardest ’cause he’s the one we learned on, and many times we failed miserably, but we tried our hardest and he turned out OK.  Carter, may this be a great day for you as you and Lori celebrate YOU.  I love you and thank God for you.

I was able to hear my mother’s voice yesterday and that was so good.  She can’t hear without her “special” phone but I could hear her and sorry to say, she’s still in tremendous pain and is experiencing a lot of fluid building up within her…never a good thing.  I pray that her doctor can help her today with the epidural injection for pain relief, along with something to help her flush out all that fluid.  She sounded stronger than I expected but it’s really difficult right now so I continue to covet your prayers for her, and for my dad.  Dad seems to be doing well but they are both anxious to go home.

We are having snow again this morning and I can say without reservation…GO AWAY.  It is pretty but I really do not like cold.  I do admit it’s a lot better than the ice we had over the weekend but these dreary days with no sunshine can become really depressing.  Now how many more months until spring returns?

Have a great day and since it’s cold over almost all the USA…stay warm!  Once more…HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, CARTER!!!  May you all feel God blessing you today while you pray for my mom and dad.  Love to all.


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