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Where did the week go?

This week has just flown by and here it is the week-end again.  Most of this week we spent in getting the carriage house organized.  We emptied many boxes, took another big load of “treasures” to the Goodwill store…we’re almost on a first name basis by now…and George finished building the shelves up on the loft in the carriage house for the many items we’re not ready to part with just yet.  We are getting so organized!  At least we can now find the stuff in the closet off of George’s office, the guest bedroom closet, and the carriage house.  I hope to get up to the attic before long and see what we stashed up there during my “move-in melt down” period.  George said there’s really not much up there…I’ve never ventured up so I don’t know.

We have enjoyed the hot tub this week with all the exercise and work we’ve done.  Also, George put a pergola…fancy name for a portable cover…on the deck and that is really nice.  It gets really warm out there even on the days when it wasn’t really very hot.  Summer would be deadly!

Even with all the work, etc. we’ve done here, I am enjoying being in Wilmore and feel very contented with our current life style.  Our home is very comfortable, the neighbors are nice, and the town is just plain quaint.  The Christian influence is everywhere and that’s a big plus.

We have baseball games tomorrow so we’ll be busy again…one at noon for Grayson’s team and one at 6 p.m.  for the one George helps with that includes Jerod and Blake.  They are fun to watch…especially the t-ball games.  One dad was encouraging his daughter today to get ready so she turned her glove upside down to empty out all the dirt and said she was ready!  They try hard and are learning the sport so it’s all worth it.

Have a wonderful week-end and a meaningful time with God each day.
