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Happy Birthday Chase…

Today is our day to celebrate the birth of Chase. He is the oldest son of our oldest son, Carter. Chase is currently in the Army and training for all the dangers that go with being in the “Special Forces” units. Chase, may your special day be a good one and may you always feel the love we have for you. Happy, happy, happy to you!

Can you believe we got even more snow yesterday? This winter has been one for the record books and if it continues the kids will be going to school through the month of June. Come on Spring…you can jump in at any time and we’ll all be thrilled to see you.

Still don’t have a completed kitchen but we have managed to eat every day. I can say with no reservation, I would NOT have made a very good pioneer woman! I can cook now that the stove is back in, but washing dishes in the bathroom sink is a bummer…or I need a bigger sink…and not having water handy isn’t good either. I didn’t realize how often I’d just rinse my hands while preparing a meal. Oh well, to cold to walk outside so guess I’m getting some exercise just preparing our meals.

Again HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHASE. We love you and are proud of the man you are. Stay warm everyone!


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