Today we are celebrating our very first granddaughter’s birthday…Lacey Ezell!!! What a joy to have finally gotten a girl and what a girl she has grown up to be. Lacey lives in Louisville and is a EMT/Paramedic and works very hard helping, and saving, those that are in need of medical assistance. Lacey, may today, and every day, bring you much happiness and joy as you have brought to all of your family. Happy birthday and I love you!
Wednesday George and I will start making our trek towards Abilene to spend a couple of days with my dad. Of course, we’ll only get as far as Atoka (Memphis area) on our first day because we MUST stop and see the twins and their parents for a little bit. The boys are already four and growing up so very fast, as all kids do. We will only be in Abilene a couple of days and then we’ll head back home. Dad seems to be doing OK, health wise, but he is so lonely and says he still cries several times each day. His heart was literally broken with mom’s death and I doubt he’ll ever truly get beyond it.
Linda Lou appears to be healing and her pain has lessened. She’s still having pain but she thinks it’s more from the surgery and not from the fractured back. Regardless, we’re all thankful for some relief and that healing is happening.
I don’t know what got into me last week, but I got ALL…except for two windows on the outside…my spring cleaning done!!! I was floored at how very dirty this house was…behind furniture and the baseboards…and once I got started there was no stopping. House looks good and I feel better knowing all that dust is gone! I want to believe that most of the dust accumulated when they redid the kitchen floor but I know that’s not true. I don’t clean like I use to and I’m thankful I finally wised up. Once, or twice, a year of the deep cleaning really is enough.
Linda and Jim are enjoying their time, along with his students, in Vienna…currently in Italy…and are making lots of memories. It all sounds exhausting to me with the many miles they seem to walk every week but I’m thankful they are well and enjoy doing it.
Time for me to get busy ’cause the “blue house” needs cleaning…no spring cleaning done there yet, but soon…and we have guest coming in tomorrow. We continue to enjoy our guest that come our way so this is a fun job for now. The guest coming in tomorrow have been here twice before and they are here for a week…lovely people.
Enjoy your week and I’ll post as I can. Carter and Lori will be moving on the 25th so keep them in your prayers ’cause moving is NEVER fun. Of course, by moving often you always have clean cabinets and closets! Pray our travel will be safe, daddy will find contentment, Linda Lou will have complete healing, and Linda and Jim will remain safe in all they’re doing. Lacey will have a very happy birthday and many more blessed years. Love to you all.