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A rainy morning…

During the early morning hours, we were awaken to the sound of thunder and the welcome relief of rain.  Our area really needs this rain and we are so thankful for each drop but it appears to have passed on by for now.  Oh well, we got some rain and that’s much better than no rain!

Yesterday was a rather emotional day for me as I remembered my dad.  He would have been 95 yesterday and I felt such a strong need to just talk to him.  I pray today will be a better day and I will continue to pray for healing, and acceptance, from the lost of both mom and dad in such a short time.  I wouldn’t have either one come back to the life they left but, oh how I miss them.  I am thankful for all the fond memories.  Thank you, Lord, for loving parents.

It is just a matter of days now before Linda and Jim come home from Vienna.  They have had a great group of young people sharing this experience with them, saw lots of beautiful and historical sights, and feel good that they have accomplished their mission while there.  Travel safe and I’ll look forward to hearing from you when you get back home.  Oh, there truly is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!

Enjoy your week-end, along with the beauty of knowing that spring is finally here to stay, and look for ways of expressing your love to those you encounter.  Love to you all.



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